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Journal : Microbiology Indonesia

Fragrance Formation in Aquilaria spp. Shoot Culture Induced by Acremonium sp. GAYUH RAHAYU
Microbiology Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 2 (2010): August 2010
Publisher : Indonesian Society for microbiology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (7110.2 KB) | DOI: 10.5454/mi.4.2.2


In this research, fragrance formation in the shoot culture of three clones of Aquilaria malaccensis (Ama1, Ama7, and Ama13) and four clones of A. microcarpa (Ami5, Ami8, Ami16, and P6) as a response towards infection of four isolates of Acremonium sp. (F, G, L, and M) were studied using dual culture methods in three different concentrations of a modified Murashige-Skoog (MSmod) media (50, 75, and 100%). The result indicated that Acremonium F and M induced the formation of fragrance. The index of fragrance induced by Acremonium F was twice from that of Acremonium M, and commonly produced in shoot cultures in MSmod 50%. The index of fragrance in A. malaccensis shoot culture was 70% higher than that of A. microcarpa. Furthermore, GLC analyses of acetone extracted from fragranced shoots of A. malaccensis indicated that only one compound (RT 5.76) might determine the fragrance. Host-microbe compatibility study indicated that the presence of Acremonium significantly affected the fitness of the shoots. In contrast, the presence of shoots did not significantly affect the growth rate of Acremonium. In general, Acremonium F, L and M significantly increased shoot death during the 35 days of interaction.
Diversity of SCAR Markers of Pyricularia grisea Isolated from Digitaria ciliaris Following Cross Infection to Rice SRI LISTIYOWATI; UTUT WIDYASTUTI; GAYUH RAHAYU; ALEX HARTANA; MUHAMMAD JUSUF
Microbiology Indonesia Vol. 5 No. 1 (2011): March 2011
Publisher : Indonesian Society for microbiology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5454/mi.5.1.1


Cross infection of Pyricularia grisea from grass to rice and vice versa has been reported, but genetic changes are not known yet. This research aimed at estimating the possibility of the genotype alteration in P. grisea dc4 isolated from Digitaria ciliaris, following cross infection to either rice cv. Kencana bali, Cisokan, and IR64 or Panicum repens, Cynodon dactylon, Digitaria sp., and Ottochloa nodosa. The genotypes were analyzed by employing three SCAR markers, Cut1; PWL2; and Erg2. The results indicated that the dc4 was only able to infect Kencana bali, Cisokan, and P. repens. The dc4 had only two out of three SCAR markers, Cut1 and Erg2. Host shift was followed by genotype alteration in two loci of SCAR. Isolates derived from lesions on Kencana bali (dc4-kb) and Cisokan (dc4-c) of the dc4 infection, both lost their Cut1 and gained PWL2. On the contrary, there was no genotype alteration from dc4 to isolate derived from P. repens of dc4 infection (dc4-pr). Neither the isolate dc4-kb that was cross-inoculated to Cisokan nor the dc4-c that was cross-inoculated to Kencana bali showed SCAR marker change. In comparison, race 173 isolate and those derived from Kencana bali and Cisokan did not show genotype alteration. All had two out of three SCAR markers, PWL2 and Erg2. The isolate 173 was adapted to rice. This indicated that genotype diversity of the dc4 might arise following host shift from grass to rice.Pyricularia grisea merupakan cendawan blas yang telah diketahui memiliki kisaran inang luas selain pada padi. Infeksi silang cendawan blas pada rumput ke padi dan sebaliknya telah dilaporkan, tetapi perubahan genetiknya belum dilaporkan. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis kemampuan infeksi silang dan perubahan genotipe P. grisea dc4 asal Digitaria ciliaris dalam perpindahannya ke padi cv. Kencana bali, Cisokan, dan IR64 atau rumput Panicum repens, Cynodon dactylon, Digitaria sp. dan Ottochloa nodosa. Genotipe P. grisea dianalisis melalui tiga marka SCAR, yaitu Cut1; PWL2; dan Erg2. Isolat dc4 memiliki 2 marka SCAR, yaitu Cut1 dan Erg2; tidak memiliki PWL2. Isolat dc4 hanya mampu menginfeksi silang Kencana bali, Cisokan, dan P. repens. Turunan isolat dc4 sebagai hasil infeksi silang ke Kencana bali (dc4-kb) dan Cisokan (dc4-c) menunjukkan perubahan genotipenya, yaitu Cut1 tidak teramplifikasi pada keduanya; PWL2 teramplifikasi;, serta Erg2 tetap teramplifikasi. Sebaliknya, turunan isolat dc4 sebagai hasil infeksi silang ke P. repens (dc4-pr) tidak mengalami perubahan genotipe. Turunan isolat dc4-kb sebagai hasil infeksi silang ke Cisokan, maupun turunan isolat dc4-c dari Kencana bali, juga tidak menunjukkan perubahan genotipe, yaitu tetap menunjukkan keberadaan PWL2 dan Erg2. Sebagai pembanding digunakan isolat ras 173 yang diisolasi dari padi. Genotipe isolat tersebut maupun turunannya, sebagai hasil infeksi silang ke Kencana bali dan Cisokan, tidak menunjukkan perubahan. Perubahan genotipe dc4 terjadi mengikuti pergantian inang dari rumput ke padi.
Community Structure of Sporulating Fungi on Decaying Litters of Shorea spp. ISRAWATI HARAHAP; GAYUH RAHAYU; IMAN HIDAYAT
Microbiology Indonesia Vol. 7 No. 3 (2013): September 2013
Publisher : Indonesian Society for microbiology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (189.158 KB) | DOI: 10.5454/mi.7.3.3


The community structure of sporulating fungi on decaying branch and leaf litters of Shorea spp. were studied to reveal the common saprobic fungi. The study was mainly based on morphological observation. Twenty-nine species of the sporulating fungi were found on Shorea spp. litters at Situ Gede and Bubulak forest area, Bogor, West Java. The fungi included seven species of Ascomycetes (Annulohypoxylon purpureonitens, Diatrype chlorosarca, Didymosphaeria epidermidis, Lophiostoma sp.,  Lophodermium sp., Pemphidium sp., and Valsa sp.) and 22 species of anamorphic taxa that consisted of 12 Coelomycetes (Coniella musaiaensis, Coryneum betulinum, Hendersoniopsis thelebola, Lasiodiplodia theobromae, Lasmeniella guaranitica, Leptodothiorella sp., Massariothea themedae, Pestalotia guepinii, Pestalotiopsis sp., Pseudolachnea hispidula, Septoriella sp., and unidentified species of Coelomycetes) and 10 Hyphomycetes (Beltraniella portoricensis, Cryptophialoidea fasciculata, Hermatomyces spaerichus, Kiliophora ubiensis, Minimidochium setosum, Monodisma fragilis, Nodulisporium sp., Stilbella fimetaria, Virgatospora echinofibrosa, and unidentified Hyphomycetes). The  most common taxa occuring on decaying leaf litter were B. portoricensis and Pemphidium sp., while those on decaying branch material were L. theobromae and C. fasciculata. The fungal community was subtrate specific. The community on decaying branch litter was more diverse than that on leaf litter. The C/N ratio of the substrate was closely related to the structure  of the community.
Domestication and Formulation of Rhizopodopsis Javensis as Tempeh Starter GAYUH RAHAYU; EFRIWATI EFRIWATI; SEPTINA VERONICA
Microbiology Indonesia Vol. 15 No. 3 (2021): September 2021
Publisher : Indonesian Society for microbiology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (886.36 KB) | DOI: 10.5454/mi.15.3.1


ABSTRACT Domestication of wild fungal strains involved in the manufacture of traditional fermented foods often occurs spontaneously. Rhizopodopsis javensis (Rh. javensis) is taxonomically close to Rhizopus. The wild strain Rhizopodopsis javensis has found in cool climates can be developed as a starter in tempeh production in temperate regions. Before formulating it as a tempeh starter, a wild strain of Rh. javensis needs to be domesticated in human-made niches. A wild strain of Rh. javensis was domesticated by subculture using rice flour media at optimum growth temperature and carried out every five days. The spore's density and viability and the starter's water content were used to determine its quality. The results showed that Rh. javensis grew optimally at 22 ℃. With seven-time subcultures using rice flour media, the domestication process did not change the Rh. javensis growth rate and colony appearance. The growth rate of Rh. javensis is relatively the same as that of commercial tempeh starter and pure R. microsporus var. oligosporus, at each optimal growth temperature. In the rice flour media as a carrier, Rh. javensis produces spore's density that is relatively the same as that of commercial tempeh starter but with lower spore's viability and higher water content. Therefore, Rh. javensis cannot be used as a starter to produce tempeh in the temperate region. The carrier material and drying processes still need to be modified to increase spore viability and improve the overall quality, including the starter's lifespan. Keywords: food fermentation, Rhizopus microsporus var. oligosporus, spore's viability, starter quality, wild strain ABSTRAK Domestikasi galur liar kapang yang terlibat dalam dalam pembuatan makanan fermentasi tradisional, sering terjadi secara spontan. Rhizopodopsis javensis (Rh. javensis) merupakan salah satu galur liar kapang yang memiliki hubungan taksonomi dekat dengan Rhizopus. Strain liar ini ditemukan di daerah beriklim sejuk, sehingga berpotensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai starter tempe untuk produksi di daerah beriklim sedang. Untuk mendapatkan kultur yang tumbuh subur di relung (niches) buatan manusia, strain liar Rh. javensis perlu didomestikasi terlebih dahulu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendomestikasi strain Rh. javensis liar yang dilanjutkan dengan memformulasikannya sebagai starter tempe. Domestikasi dilakukan dengan menumbuhkan strain liar Rh. javensis pada media tepung beras pada suhu pertumbuhan optimum dan diulangi setiap lima hari. Kerapatan dan viabilitas spora, serta kadar air starter digunakan sebagai penilaian keberhasilan starter. Hasil penelitian menemukan Rh. javensis tumbuh optimal pada suhu 22 ℃. Domestikasi dengan cara subkultur koloni Rh. javensis pada media tepung beras selama 7 kali tidak mengubah kecepatan pertumbuhan Rh. javensis dan penampakan koloni. Laju pertumbuhan Rh. javensis relatif sama dengan laju pertumbuhan starter tempe komersial dan R. microsporus var. oligosporus murni, pada suhu optimum pertumbuhan masing-masing. Formulasi tepung beras sebagai media pembawa starter Rh. javensis, menghasilkan kerapatan spora yang relatif sama dengan starter tempe komersial, namun viabilitas sporanya rendah dan kadar airnya tinggi. Starter Rh. javensis belum dapat digunakan untuk membuat tempe. Substrat dan proses pengeringan masih perlu dimodifikasi untuk meningkatkan viabilitas spora dan kualitas starter tempe secara keseluruhan, termasuk umur simpan starter. Keywords: fermentasi makanan, kualitas starter, Rhizopus microsporus var. oligosporus, strain liar, viabilitas spora